Tips for Media Interviews

I have compiled a number of tips to help support you as a media guest, for public speaking, audio and video conferences, job interviews, and the like. I hope you will think of these as resources to support you and don’t get overwhelmed by trying to take it all in or thinking that you have to do it all. The main thing is to focus on your purpose and be yourself. There is a reason you are being called to share your message.

These tips, and my coaching style in general, are based on a philosophy of support and fulfillment of your purpose rather than techniques and strategies for manipulating audiences and clients. My approach is also more about taking away distractions than adding to, changing, or covering up who you really are, so that your true self can shine. If having good audio quality, avoiding distracting accessories, reducing some shine on the forehead, and speaking with intention can help an audience focus on your message, then that’s part of supporting you and your purpose.

I believe that authenticity and congruence are the true keys to a great media interview and any kind of good communication, as well as to a life of deeper contentment and contribution to the greater good. And to me, that is true success. I hope you find the information helpful, and that it helps you convey your message in a way that is true to who you are.

Tips for Audio, Video, Voice, & Movement:

Tips for Hair, Makeup, Wardrobe & Men’s Grooming:

For more information, or to book a consultation:


Have you been thinking about hosting your own podcast? I’d love to help you get started! If you want to check out my show visit:
The Dream Detective podcast